*New work coming Spring 2025*
Ann is an award winning artist living in upstate New York's Adirondack Mountains. Born in Louisivlle, KY, Ann began traveling and living throughout the United States at the age of 18. After completing a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Central Oklahoma, she and her family moved to Denver, CO where Ann began to focus on her painting and fell in love with the western landscape. Even though she lives in a beautiful part of the country, where plein air painting is a challenge almost any time of year, Ann also spends time painting on the coast of Maine and throughout the Southwest.
Ann's approach to the landscape is to simplify as much as possible in order to create the strongest paintings. "I want my viewers to know how I felt about a place when I painted it. I'm not trying to copy what I see nor am I interested in lots of detail. I want to suggest a subject with the buildup of paint and exciting brushstrokes."
Museum Exhibitions
Rockwell Museum, Perspectives of the American Experience, American Women Artists, Corning, NY 2018
Artists for the New Century, Invitational, Bennington Center for the Arts, Bennington, VT 2017
Tucson Desert Art Museum, Tucson, AZ 2017 American Women Artists, Under A Vast Sky
National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum, OKC, OK 2014, Small Works Great Wonders
Booth Museum of Western Art, Cartersville, GA 2014American Women Artists, Prevailing Winds
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ 2013 American Women Artists, Visions of the West
Frederick Remington Museum, Ogdensburg, NY 2013
Events and Awards (selected)
Oil Painters of America, 27th Annual National Exhibition, Steamboat Art Museum, Steamboat Springs, CO
Oil Painters of America, 26th Annual National Exhibition, Eisele Gallery, Cincinnati, Oh 2017
American Impressionist Society, 17th Annual National Exhibition, Howard/Mandville Gallery, Kirkland, WA 2016
Oil Painters of America, 25th Annual National Exhibition, Southwest Gallery, Dallas 2016
Outstanding Landscape, American Women Artists National Members & Juried Show, Bennington, VT 2016
Award of Excellence, Oil Painters of America Eastern Regional, Eisele Gallery, Cincinnati, OH 2016
Award of Merit, OPS Southwest Salon, Southwest Gallery, Dallas given by Marc Hanson, Juror, 2016
Silver Medal, Master Signature, American Women Artists National Exhibition, Bonner-David Galleries, Scottsdale, AZ 2015
Award of Excellence given by Quang Ho, Paso Robles Signature Invitational 2014
Award of Merit, OPS Southwest Salon, Southwest Gallery, Dallas given by Marc Hanson 2016
Award of Merit, OPS Southwest Salon, Southwest Gallery, Dallas given by Phil Starke, 2015
Award of Merit, OPS Southwest Salon, Southwest Gallery, Dallas given by Jill Carver, 2014
Award, Randy Higbee 6" Squared, Costa Mesa, CA 2013
Honorable Mention, Light on the Land, Davis & Blevins Gallery, Saint Jo, TX 2013
Honorable Mention, Rocky Mountain Plein Air Painters, Teton National Park 2013
First Place, Masters Division, Central Adirondack Art Show, Old Forge, NY
First Place, Lake Placid Center for the Arts, Adirondack Juried Show
Second Place, Finger Lakes Plein Air Festival, Canandaigua, NY 2013
Honorable Mention, Oil Painters of America Spring & Summer Online Showcase, 2013
Second Place, Outdoor Painters Society Online Show
Oil Painters of America Salon Show, Petosky, MI 2013
Oil Painters of America Eastern Regional, Annapolis, MD 2016, 2013
Randy Higbee 6x6 Gallery Show, Costa Mesa, CA 2013, 2012
American Women Artists, K. Newby Gallery, Tubec, AZ 2012
American Women Artists, R S Hanna Gallery, Fredericksburg, TX 2013
Rocky Mountain Plein Air Painters National Paint Out and Show, Wild Spirit Gallery, Pagosa Springs CO 2011
Rocky Mountain Plein Air Painters National Paint Out and Show, Grand Teton National Park 2016,2015,2014,2013, 2012
American Impressionist Society, 12th, 13th & 14th National Exhibits 2016, 2015,2013, 2012, 2011
Outdoor Painters Society, Dallas, TX 2016,2015,2014,2013, 2012
Sedona Plein Air Festival, Sedona, AZ 2011, 2010
Grand Canyon Plein Air on the Rim, Grand Canyon, AZ 2010
Master Signature Member, American Women Artists and Past President
Signature Member, Oil Painters of America
Signature Member, Rocky Mountain Plein Air Painters
Signature Member, American Impressionist Society
Signature Member, Outdoor Painters Society
American Society of Marine Artists

“Harbor Light” original oil 36”x36”, $7000.00-SOLD